Rongorongo text S

Text S of the rongorongo corpus, the larger of two tablets in Washington and therefore also known as the Great or Large Washington tablet, is one of two dozen surviving rongorongo texts.

Other names

S is the standard designation, from Barthel. Fischer refers to it as RR16.


, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Catalog # .
There is a reproduction in the Musée de l'Homme, Paris.

Physical description

S is a long bevelled but not fluted driftwood board of Podocarpus latifolius wood, 63 × 12 × 1.6 cm, that curves to a point at one end. It was cut into a plank for a canoe, and twelve holes were bored along the perimeter for lashings. Both sides were heavily damaged by fire for "a great loss of text".


In December 1886, Thomson bought both Washington tablets on Easter Island with the mediation of his Tahitian aide Alexander Salmon "after a great deal of trouble and at considerable expense". He gave both to the Smithsonian in April 1890.
Fischer states that this and Mamari are "the only authentic rongorongo artefacts whose premissionary owners are known by name." Thomson was told that "The large one is a piece of drift-wood, that from its peculiar shape is supposed to have been used as a portion of a canoe". Thirty years later, Routledge was told the same:
Fischer reports that in her field notes, Routledge documented that the tablets had belonged to Puhi ‘a Rona, a tuhunga tâ of Hanga Hahave, whose house "was full of tablets and scindered them at the call of the missionaries". It was Nicolás Pakarati who sold it to Thomson.
Although the missionaries have been blamed for the burning of the tablets, in the manner of the Mayan codices, there is no hint of this in their own writings, and the few missionaries who were active on Easter Island at the time either ignored the tablets or attempted to collect them. If tablets were burned after conversion to Christianity, it may have been part of a more general pattern of abandoning the old religion.
The Smithsonian catalog states,


Fischer identifies a list of short sequences, each beginning with the glyph 380.1, as a pattern shared between the Large Washington and several other tablets.


There are eight lines of glyphs on side a and nine on side b, with ~ 730 recognizable glyphs out of an original 1,200 or so. The edges of the plank are inscribed.

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