Roods Landing Site

The Roods Landing Site or Roods Creek Mounds is an archaeological site located south of Omaha, Stewart County, Georgia, United States at the confluence of Rood Creek and the Chattahoochee River. It is a Middle Woodland / Mississippian period Pre-Columbian complex of earthen mounds. It was entered on the National Register of Historic Places on August 19, 1975.

Site description

The location is a large multimound site with eight platform mounds. The largest mound at the site is Mound A, at in height, with a base, and summit measuring by. This summit had 3 wattle and daub structures and was covered with a surface of yellow clay with a raised lip forming a parapet around the edge of the summit. Structure 1 was located at the center of the summit and the other structures were arranged around it to either side. The mound had two ramps leading from the summit to the ground level, each measuring in length, in width where they join the summit, and where they meet ground level. One faced northwest on a plaza opposite Mound E, the other lead to the southwest.


attempted to excavate the site. It reminded him of Moundville which it somewhat resembles. However, he was denied permission. The site was excavated in 1955 by Joseph Caldwell but has not been excavated since.
It is considered a major site with multiple mounds and is accessible only through scheduled tours.