Ross Lewis (photographer)

Ross David Lewis is an American photographer known for his work recording the players and events of the National Football League between 1972 and 1984, but also for his independent work during and afterwards which covers cityscapes/ architecture, coastlines, and portraiture in both black-and-white and vivid color formats. Ross' career took him throughout the United States with professional assignments to Brazil, Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria, Canada and Europe.
From 1968 to 1978 Lewis served as an Associate Director of nightly news broadcasts for WCBS-TV, New York before becoming a professional, international photographer for many Fortune 500 companies. In addition Ross Lewis was a special-assignment photographer for the National Football League. His photographs regularly appeared in the NFL Magazines "GameDay" and "Pro" magazine. In addition, his photography was featured in "The Pro Football Experience" and "Game of Passion.
Following his career as a professional photographer, Ross created and developed "S.E.E". "S.E.E", between 1993-2010, was an environmental photography program which empowered children and adults with disabilities to discover their intimate relationship with the ever-changing beauty and blemishes of their world through their self-generated photography. "S.E.E" flourished in New Jersey in many schools and organizations with the program touching the lives of over 2,000 students.