Rostam's Seven Labours

The Seven Labors of Rustam are a series of acts carried out by the greatest of the Iranian heroes, Rostam, also romanized as Rustam. The story of Haftkhwān was retold by Ferdowsi in his epic poem, Shahnameh. In his labors, Rostam was often accompanied only by his horse, Rakhsh. In two of his labors, he was also accompanied by a champion, Olad. Rustam was from Zabol of Iran.

The Haftkhwān

According to the traditional narrative, the story starts when Kay Kāvus's expedition to Mazandaran fails, and the army are captured by the Divs. Rostam engages to liberate them, and proceeds by the labors. The traditional order of the labors is:
Rostam also kills the magician king of Mazandaran and returns to Estakhr accompanied by the Shah.