Round Rock Independent School District

Round Rock Independent School District is a school district headquartered in the city of Round Rock, Texas, United States. As of Fall 2019, the school district is serving over 51,000 students, prekindergarten through grade 12.
District boundaries are approximately 110 square miles and include 55 schools that serve students in southern Williamson County, northwest Travis County, the city of Round Rock and portions of the cities of Austin and Cedar Park.
Student enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year is 51,208. Round Rock ISD employs more than 6,400 educators, administrators, support and professional staff.


In May 17, 1913, the Williamson County government approved incorporation of Williamson County Common School District #19, forming RRISD. Originally, the district consisted of only two schools.


Public schools of choice

Round Rock ISD public schools of choice provides students access to innovative programming that engages and taps into their specific interests, aspirations and preferred learning styles.

Secondary schools

High schools

Elementary schools

The Round Rock Independent School District is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, who are elected at-large to serve staggered four-year terms. As of January 2020, the board is composed of:


The 11,000-capacity Kelly Reeves Stadium in Austin is owned by the Round Rock Independent School District. It is used mostly for American football.