Ruben Talberg

Ruben Cornelis Talberg is a German-Israeli painter and sculptor. Before Talberg turned 30, he invented ARTE ALCHEMICA. In painting he inverts the canvasses according to the ancient alchemic principle of "conversio oppositorum". In sculpture he deals with high reliefs, his 'Manifolds'.


R. C. Talberg's oeuvre deals with antagonistic positions such as Nature & Alchemy, Asymmetry & Dynamics or Eros & Thanathos. From the beginning of 1990 he intensified his interest for Jewish mysticism and magic. On extensive journeys he created new serials of photography that in turn shaped the base for new artwork cycles. Likewise the surfaces of his artworks contained references to his lyrics, Voodoo, symbols, grids and codes.
2011 the Talberg Museum was founded in Offenbach am Main. Talberg's works are represented in more than 200 public and private international collections as well as the auction trade. He participated in more than 100 international solo - and group exhibitions.
Talberg lives and works in Heidelberg and Southern France.