Rubens Donizete

Rubens Valeriano Donizete is a Brazilian bicyclist who competed in the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2012 Summer Olympics. He was a member of the Brazilian Mountain Bike team. He currently runs the team AOO/Specialized.


Rubens worked as a bricklayer in his hometown. In 2000, he had to make a difficult decision and that would forever change his life, he stopped his paid work and devoted himself exclusively to cycling. In 2001 he got his first sponsorship. At that point he had the vision to represent Brazil in the Olympics. After many wins in competitions inside out outside of Brazil, his Olympic dream began in 2007. He joined the national mountain bike team that competed in the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, and took the silver medal.
Rubens won the 2008 Brazilian mountain biking championship and the vacancy for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games where he finished as the best Brazilian in 21st position.
In 2015 he was hired by Team AOO/Specialized, looking to the vacancy for the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro 2016.

Major achievements