Rudolph Lennhoff

Rudolph Lennhoff was one of the best known medical authorities in Berlin.


Following an investigation into the conditions of working class people with tuberculosis, undertaken jointly with Wolf Becher, Lennhof devised the open air cure that became the standard treatment for the disease for many decades.
He also discovered what became known as ‘Lennhof’s sign’ - a furrow that appears between the liver and the bottom rib when the patient breathes in - indicating the presence of an ecchinoccus cyst.
In 1912 he attended the 15th International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, which opened 23 September 1912, in Washington, D.C..
A liberal in his political views, Lennhof contributed to the liberal daily Vossische Zeitung and was a member of the Freisinniger Volkspartei. He was also one of the organisers, in 1905, of the Society for Social Medicine.