
Rudskogen Motorsenter is Norway’s oldest asphalt race circuit, opened May 20, 1990. In 2006 the Norwegian government selected Rudskogen Motorsenter as the main national motorsport facility and as a result the circuit is undergoing significant development, with the new circuit design by Hermann Tilke.
The current motorcycle and car racing track at Rudskogen Motorsenter is long, set in rolling forest terrain and considered technically demanding for drivers. The longest straight is and the elevation difference is. Races for cars and bikes are arranged there in a variety of classes and the track is also hired out privately for corporate events and organisational training, for example for emergency services personnel.
The Rudskogen karting track, located at the same facility, is long and satisfies international karting standards. A range of large-scale events have taken place at this track including a round of the European Karting Championship in 2005.
Data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute shows that the circuit at Rudskogen can be in use for 8 weeks longer per year than other existing race circuits in Norway, because of the southerly location.