Rudy's Rare Records

Rudy's Rare Records is a sitcom series created by Lenny Henry, Danny Robins and Dan Tetsell, broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Originally a radio comedy series from 2008–2014, it was later adapted for the stage in 2014. A not-for-broadcast TV pilot was reportedly shot in 2014, but was not developed for broadcast.
The plot follows Adam Sharpe, who returns to Birmingham from London after a breakdown, and is forced to move in with his father Rudy Sharpe. They squeeze into the flat above the eponymous Rudy's Rare Records, his dad's shambolic record shop selling reggae, ska and soul. While Adam is anxious and straight-laced, Rudy is exuberant, opinionated and brash. Other characters include Adam's adult son Richie, shop employee Tasha, the self-proclaimed first black goth girl in Handsworth, Doreen, Rudy's girlfriend, and Clifton, his friend.
The series features a majority Black British cast and a soundtrack that focuses on reggae, ska and hip-hop.


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