
Rupa-Rupa or High Jungle is one of the eight natural regions of Peru. It is located between 400 and 1,000 m above the sea level. This region has many long, narrow valleys and fluvial mountain trails. The weather is warm, humid, and rainy.
This region has a tropical flora.
The fauna includes the Brazilian Tapir, the White-lipped Peccary, and the Jaguar.
Rupa Rupa is the hottest region in Peru.


Andean Continental Divide
Chala, dry coastLowland tropical rainforest or Selva baja
Maritime YungasHighland tropical rainforest or Selva alta
Maritime YungasSubtropical cloud forest or Fluvial Yungas
Quechua - Montane valleysQuechua - Montane valleys
Tree lineTree line - about 3,500 m
Suni, scrubs and agricultureSuni, scrubs and agriculture

Mountain Top: