Russia Beyond

Russia Beyond is a multilingual publication operated by "autonomous non-profit organization TV-Novosti," offering news, comment, opinion and analysis on culture, politics, business, science and public life in Russia.



Russia Beyond is managed by a section of the state-operated domestic Russian-language news agency TV-Novosti, a daughter company of the Rossiya Segodnya.


Russia Beyond was accused of being propaganda by The Guardian commentator Roy Greenslade in 2014 and former Slate journalist Jack Shafer in 2007.
In Europe, the Russian-state media entity paid London's Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro in France, Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany and the Italian daily La Repubblica to be distributed as an insert to those publications, and in the United States it partnered with The Washington Post until 2015; The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times were bundling the insert into their regular editions as of 2018.
In the case of Britain's Daily Telegraph, the Kremlin-backed Beyond the Headlines paid the British publisher £40,000 each month to be distributed as a supplement to its weekend publication, whilst the Telegraph website also featured content from RBTH's website. The monthly Russia-themed supplement first appeared in the British paper The Daily Telegraph and the American Washington Post in 2007 under the name Russia Now.