Ryder Windham

Ryder Windham is an American science fiction author who has written more than 60 Star Wars books, including novels, comics, and reference books. He has also written junior novelizations for Indiana Jones films. Since 1993, he has been working on Star Wars projects either by himself or with other authors. His reference book spent three weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list in 2005.


''Star Wars''

Windham started working on Star Wars projects in 1993, when he was working at the Dark Horse Comics. Sometimes, instead of writing books on his own, he supervised the editing process of other writers' comics, such as the Dark Horse series Heir to the Empire, Jabba the Hutt, River of Chaos, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, ' and X-Wing - Rogue Squadron. He also helped edit ' and Dark Empire II. In addition, he worked closely with Allan Kausch and Sue Rostoni at Lucas Licensing to maintain consistency in Star Wars comics, novels, and so on.

Maintaining Consistency in Stories

An inevitable challenge for all Star Wars authors is maintaining the consistency in stories written by various authors. For Ryder Windham, the hardest part of maintaining the consistency is remembering what a character knows about other characters and certain situations at a specific moment in the Star Wars timeline. Fortunately, Leland Chee, who is in charge of maintaining and monitoring the consistency in Star Wars stories, is very familiar with many details; therefore, he has been very helpful to Ryder Windham.

Recent Years

Since 2004, he has been working at Rhode Island School of Design Continuing Education as an instructor and a certificate advisor for comic and sequential art classes. Currently, he lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his wife and two daughters. Ryder Windham also works closely with the publisher becker&mayer! and Lucasfilm's publishing licensees, including Dark Horse Comics, Del Rey, DK Publishing, Grosset & Dunlap, HarperCollins, Random House, and Scholastic Inc. His work with the latter of these has included production of the Bionicle reboot novels and graphic novels.



New York Times Best Seller: Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual GuideThe New York Times(2005, November 13). Children's Best Sellers. ''The New York Times.'' Retrieved January 31, 2011 from https://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E01E4DF173EF930A25752C1A9639C8B63&scp=1&sq=ryder+windham&st=nytThe New York Times(2005, December 18). Children's Best Sellers. ''The New York Times.'' Retrieved January 31, 2011 from https://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05E1D91031F93BA25751C1A9639C8B63&scp=2&sq=ryder+windham&st=nyt