Ryukyu Kobudo

Ryukyu Kobudo is the branch of Okinawan Kobudo developed and systemized by Taira Shinken under the association.
Ryukyu Kobudo uses the following weapons: , Sai, Eku, Kama, Tinbe-Rochin, Tekko, Nunchaku and Tonfa.

Ryūkyū Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai

The Ryūkyū Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai was founded after World War II by Taira Shinken.
It is a recreation of the Ryukyu Kobujutsu Research Association founded by his teacher Yabiku Moden in 1911 and disbanded during the Second World War.
The Society preserves the kata learned by Moden:
Taira named Eisuke Akamine as his successor and the second President for Ryūkyū Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai. He was later succeeded by Hiroshi Akamine, the third President. Hiroshi Sensei decided to start his own association in 2011. The present Head of the association is Sensei Yukio Kuniyoshi. He was the chief instructor in the Eisuke Akamine Dojo until the death of Akamine sensei and is practicing at Kochinda Dojo, Okinawa.

Ryūkyū Kobudo Shimbukan

In 2011 Akamine Hiroshi resigned as the President of the Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai and formed the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan association, which carries on in the Nesabu Shimbukan Dojo in Tomigusuku.