
The Sédelle is a river in the Creuse department, central France; it is a tributary of the river Creuse and a sub-affluent of the Loire.


It is long. The river spring is located near Lizières. The river has a meandering path. It joins la Creuse near the lac de Chambon.


La Sédelle flows through the communes of Lizières, Saint-Priest-la-Feuille, La Souterraine, Saint-Agnant-de-Versillat, Saint-Germain-Beaupré, Saint-Léger-Bridereix, Sagnat, La Chapelle-Baloue, Lafat and Crozant.


La Sédelle is lush in wild trouts, chubs, bleaks, pikes and zanders. Elle fait ainsi le bonheur des pêcheurs creusois.

Curiosities - Tourism