Síol Muireadaigh

Síol Muireadaigh, Gaelic-Irish lineage and territory, located in north County Roscommon.


The Síol Muireadaigh were a lineage within the Uí Briúin Aí who descended from King Muiredach Muillethan of Connacht. The term Síol denotes the seed, or descendants, of Muiredach.


s of the Síol Muireadaigh included
Muiredach Muillethan of the Connachta
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Indrechtaig, died 723. Cathal
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Áed Balb Muiredach Tadg Murgal Medb Dub Indrecht Artgal Dub Díbeirg Forgartach
= ? = Áed Oirdnide d. 768. d. 792. d. 787. fl. 789.
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Tipraiti Niall Caille
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Síol Muireadaigh Áed Findliath