S.A. Damm

Sociedad Anónima Damm is a Spanish brewery founded in Barcelona in 1876 by the Alsacian August Kuentzmann Damm and Joseph Damm. It is the main brewery in the city.

Products and sponsorship

Its best known beer products include the following four:
Other Damm products include Inedit, Bock Damm, Free-Damm, A.K. Damm, among others. Damm also produces a range of Gluten-reduced beers under the Daura label, including a Lager and a Märzen.
During the heyday of baseball in Spain in the 1950s and 1960s, Damm sponsored a local baseball team, Picadero Damm. During the 1960s, Damm was also known for marketing its beer at all members of the family, including children.


Disa Corporación Petrolífera27,190%
Dr. Oetker25,014%
Seegrund B.V.13,951%
La Moravia D'Inversions, S.A.6,056%
Boag Valores, S.L.5,126%
