SA1 Swansea Waterfront

SA1 Swansea Waterfront is the marketing name given to the brownfield development area located in northern part of Swansea Docks. The area is located directly to the southeast of Swansea city centre. It is bordered by the Fabian Way to the north and covers the Prince of Wales Dock area.
The development will be a commercial and residential mix. The forecast outputs are 2,900 new jobs, about 2,000+ new apartments and houses, 65,000 m² of business/offices; 29,000 m² of commercial leisure; 26,400 m² of hotel development; 23,200 m² of institutional facilities; 1,015 m² of on shore marina facilities.

Completed projects

As of June 2020, completed projects include:


Projects under construction or in the pipeline include:
A war memorial is located in the Square between the two Technium buildings commemorating the British Merchant Navy seamen of Swansea during World War II.