SDA Residential English High School, Nedumkandam
SDA Residential English High School is a private Seventh-day Adventist institution located in Nedumkandam, Idukki, Kerala, India. There are about 40 full-time teachers and 504students at the school. It covers grades LKG to 10th Standard.
It is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist education system, the world's second largest Christian school system.
Every year two positions are opened at SDA Residential English High School for volunteer teachers. These teachers are typically students or graduates from Seventh-day Adventist colleges in the United States of America.
About sixty students are staying in the hostels, the school's on-campus dormitories. There is one warden for each hostel.
This is the first school in High range of Idukki to have English medium of teaching.Syllabus
Students have the option of studying the syllabus prescribed by the state government of Kerala or by the Indian Council of Secondary Education in India. This separation begins in 8th Standard.