SMK Lembah Subang

SMK Lembah Subang is a coeducational secondary school, located in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia near Kelana Jaya that was established in 2004. It is situated close to the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport.

School identity

SMKLS is named after Lembah Subang, a road in Petaling Jaya.
Their motto is "Ilmu Asas Kecemerlangan" which means "Education is the key for success". The school's vision is "Menjadi Sekolah Berkesan Ke Arah Membentuk Murid Bestari" which translates as "An effective school producing smart students".

School song

Putra putri wawasan,

falsafah diamalkan,

jati insan seimbang,

bina bangsa gemilang.
Gagah gigih berjuang,

bimbingan yang berkesan,

jati diri dijuak,

kita warga perkasa.
Amal teguhkan iman,

berakhlak bertakwa,

restu ayah dan bonda,

berbakti berjasa.
Luhur budi pandai bijaksana,

pekerti mulia,

rajin usaha capai cita -cita,

kerana ilmu asas kecermelangan,

kerana ilmu asas kecermelangan.

School sport activity

There are four sport houses which comprises all students from Forms One through Five. The sport houses have no names and all the students just call each according to its colour :
-SMKLS Sport Houses 2009-
Sport HousesCaptain
Kuning Mohd Shahlan-4 Aquarius
Merah Nomi Juliana-5 Capricorn
Hijau Kunalan-5 Aquarius
Biru Mohd Azim-5 Aquarius

Sport TeamCaptain
Football TeamMuhd Shahrul Hisyam
Netball TeamNur Amirah bt Khamsani