SMS Teluk Intan

Sekolah Menengah Sains Teluk Intan is a fully residential school in Malaysia. This school is located 13 miles from Teluk Intan and has an area of 21.5 hectares. It was built in 1980, but students did not started enrolling until 1984.


The early work on building this science school started in September 1980. On completion, the first batch of students was admitted in 1984. The 425 students were Form 1, Form 4 and Australian English Test students. The first principal was Tuan Haji Noor bin Bakar PJK, who took up his post on 1 February 1984. In 1985, GCE-A students started to enroll into this school.
SEMESTI had an impressive academic record. In the 1986 SPM, with the 100% pass rate, SEMESTI had the best SPM result in Malaysia. In the 1987 SPM, it had another 100% pass rate, the second best SPM result in Malaysia.