Sabrina Petra Ramet is an American academic, educator, editor and journalist. She was born Pedro Ramet and changed gender in the 1980s, when she became Sabrina Petra Ramet. She specializes in Eastern European history and politics and is a Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. In 2008, the historian Dejan Djokić referred to her as "undoubtedly the most prolific scholar of the former Yugoslavia writing in English".
Personal life
Sabrina Ramet was born in London, and is of Austrian and Spanish descent. She moved to the United States at age 10. She became a US citizen in 1966 at age 17, and served in the US Air Force from 1971 to 1975. In December 1990, she started living as a woman and began using the name Sabrina. Ramet lived in England, Austria, Germany, Croatia, and Serbia before joining the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2001, when she settled in Norway. She continues to travel for her research in Eastern European history and politics, in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland.
In addition to the current position as professor of political science at Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 2001, Ramet is also a Senior Associate at the Centre for the Study of Civil War as well as a Research Associate at the Science and Research Centre in Koper, Slovenia. She has written more than 90 journal articles and contributed chapters to various scholarly collections. She is the author of 12 scholarly books and has been editor of 35 scholarly books. She writes in her native English, but her books appear in Bulgarian, Danish, German, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Serbocroatian, Slovenian, and Spanish. Her translation of Viktor Meier's book, Wie Jugoslawien verspielt wurde, was published by Routledge in July 1999 in English as Yugoslavia: A History of Its Demise. One of Ramet's early books, Whose Democracy? Nationalism, Religion, and the Doctrine of Collective Rights in Post-1989 Eastern Europe, was reviewed in Terrorism and Political Violence. Her 2006 book, The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918–2005, was reviewed in The American Historical Review, Foreign Affairs, East European Politics and Societies and The Journal of Modern History. In 2008, historian Dejan Djokic called Ramet "undoubtedly the most prolific scholar of the former Yugoslavia writing in English". The former Research Fellow at Harvard University and sociologist, historian and writer, Aleksa Djilas, heavily criticised work of Sabrina Ramet as unacceptable profound bias full of the tendentious interpretations and undisguised political sympathies and antipathies accompanied with a myriad of factual errors and crucial and well-known facts which remained unmentioned for whatever reason.
Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to the War for Kosovo, 3rd ed.
Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to the Fall of Milosevic, 4th ed. : also published in Croatian and Macedonian translations
Whose Democracy? Nationalism, Religion, and the Doctrine of Collective Rights in Post-1989 Eastern Europe — named an Outstanding Academic Book for 1997 by Choice magazine
Nihil Obstat: Religion, Politics, and Social Change in East-Central Europe and Russia
The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918—2005 : also published in Croatian and German translations
Rellgija i politika u vremenu promene: Katolicka i pravoslavne crkve u centralnoj i jugoistocnoj Evropi
The Liberal Project & the Transformation of Democracy: The Case of East Central Europe
Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia at Peace and at War: Selected Writings, 1983—2007