Saidapet metro station

Saidapet metro station is a Metro railway station on the Blue Line of the Chennai Metro. The station is among the under ground stations along corridor I of the Chennai Metro, Washermanpet–Chennai International Airport stretch. The station serves the neighbourhood of Saidapet.

The station

The station has a length of 230 to 250 meters. The station was opened for public on 25 May 2018.
The station became the first station in Chennai Metro to have solar panels installed. A total of 400 KW panels have been installed in the station to power elevators, escalators, and lights at the station.

Station layout


List of available ATM at Saidapet metro station are



bus routes number 1B, 5A, 5B, 5E, 5T, 9M, 18A, 18D, 18E, 18R, 19A, 19BCT, 19C, 19T, 23C, 23V, 29N, 45A, 45B, 45E, 47, 47A, 47D, 49G, 49R, 51F, 51J, 51M, 51N, 51P, 52, 52B, 52K, 52P, 54, 54D, 54E, 54M, 54P, 54S, 60, 60A, 60D, 60H, 88CET, 88Ccut, 88D, 88K, 88L, 88R, 118A, 119T, 129C, 154, 154A, 154P, 188, 188K, 221, 221H, 519, 554, 597, A45B, A47, A51, B18, B29NGS, D51, E18, G18, J51, M7, M7A, M9M, M18C, M19B, M45E, M51, M51R, M51V, M60, N45B, S35, V51, V51CUT, V151, serves the station from nearby Saidapet Police Station bus stand.


of Chennai Suburban Railway network is situated nearby.

