Sailor Moon SuperS
The fourth season of the Sailor Moon anime series, titled Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon SuperS was produced by Toei Animation and directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara. It adapts the "Dream" arc of the Sailor Moon manga series by Naoko Takeuchi and follows the adventures of Usagi Tsukino and her fellow Sailor Guardians. The series is divided into two story arcs: the first arc for 22 episodes depicts a deity known as Pegasus, entering Chibiusa's dreams to flee from the Amazon Trio, minions of the Dead Moon Circus, who are trying to steal the legendary Golden Crystal from him. The second arc for 17 episodes depicts the arrival of the Amazoness Quartet, a group of enemies who dreams to stay forever as children, as well as Queen Nehelenia, the leader of the Dead Moon Circus.
The season began broadcasting on TV Asahi on March 4, 1995, and ended on March 2, 1996. It was licensed by Cloverway Inc. and produced by Optimum Productions for an English-language broadcast in North America in 2000–02. The series was broadcast on YTV in Canada and on Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block in the United States. It was the last season to be licensed by Cloverway and the last to be dubbed by Optimum. Edited VHSs and unedited DVDs of their adaptation were released by Pioneer Entertainment. Eventually, the season was re-licensed by Viz Media in 2014 for an updated English-language release, produced by Studiopolis. The first 18 episodes of the season were released as Part 1 on Blu-ray and DVD on April 24, 2018, and the other 19 episodes were released as Part 2 on November 13, 2018.
Three pieces of theme music were used: one opening theme and two ending themes. The opening theme, an updated version of "Moonlight Densetsu", is performed by MoonLips. The first ending theme, used for the first 13 episodes, was "Watashitachi ni Naritakute" performed by Miwako Fujitani. The second ending theme, used for the rest of the season, is "'Rashiku' Ikimasho" performed by Miyuki Kajitani, who is credited as Meu. Cloverway used the English-language version of "Moonlight Densetsu" first commissioned for DiC Entertainment's dub of the first season and R for their adaptation.
Episode list (1995–1996)
No. | Cloverway dub title Original Japanese and Viz titles | Episode director | Writer | Art director | Animation director | Original airdate | English airdate |