
Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne is a small village-town in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne region in central France. The town of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne is located in the township of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne part of the district of Clermont-Ferrand. The area code for Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne is 63334, and the Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne zip code is 63520.


The altitude of the city hall of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne is approximately 445 meters. The Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne surface is 20.15 km ². The latitude and longitude of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne are 45.676 degrees North and 3.481 degrees East. Nearby cities and towns of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne are : Estandeuil at 3.07 km, Ceilloux at 3.68 km, Saint-Flour at 3.97 km, Domaize at 4.32 km, Mauzun at 4.95 km, Saint-Jean-des-Ollières at 5.01 km, Trézioux at 5.21 km, Fayet-le-Château at 5.43 km.

Population and housing

The population of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne was 551 in 1999, 541 in 2006 and 550 in 2007. The population density of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne is 27.30 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne was 404 in 2007. These homes of Saint-Dier-d'Auvergne consist of 256 main residences, 112 second or occasional homes and 36 vacant homes.