Saint-Gédéon, Quebec

Saint-Gédéon or is a municipality in Quebec, Canada, in the regional county municipality of Lac-Saint-Jean-Est and the administrative region of Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. It is on the eastern shore of Lac Saint-Jean at the mouth of the Belle River.


Population trend:
Private dwellings occupied by usual residents: 846
Mother tongue:
According to the Institut de la statistique du Québec, the Roman Catholic church had adherents in the municipality in 2001, with more than 96% of the population concentrated in one parish, Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue. Atheists were in second place with 55 people, followed by Protestants with 15 people. Residents of Saint-Gédéon belonging to other religions represented less than 1% of the population. There is also a Roman Catholic cemetery, cimetière Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue.
As well, Saint-Gédéon has a permanent deacon, Daniel Audy, M.A., who was ordained by Mgr Couture, on June 7, 1991 of the feast day of the Sacred Heart.


wrote the first draft of Maria Chapdelaine while staying in Saint-Gédéon in 1912.


The Blueberry Cycling Route, part of the Route Verte, goes through Saint-Gédéon.


