Saint-Nicolas-de-Macherin is a commune in the Isèredepartment within Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in southeastern France. The area of the commune is 1,060 hectares and the altitude varies from 447 to 952 meters. The town is located 5km from Voiron, which is the capital of the canton. It is 28km north-west of Grenoble, 90km from Lyon, and 510km from Paris.
Information on the population size has been carried out in the municipality since 1793. Since 2006, the population data has been published by Insee. The census is based on an annual collection of information, concerning all municipal territories over a five year period. For those with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census covering the entire population is carried out every five years, with the annual census calculated using interpolation or extrapolation of data. In 2017, the commune had 938 inhabitants, a 5.9% increase since 2011.
According to figures from Insee, 91.6% of households live in single-family houses, compared to 8.4% in apartments. 94% of housing are main residences, 1.7% are second homes and the rest being vacant at the time of the survey in 2013. 21% of housing was built before 1919, while 62% was built between 1971 and 2005.
In 2013, 4.1% of the active population was unemployed. This is low in comparison to the department unemployment rate of 11.2% for the same period. 57 businesses were operating in the town as of 1st January 2015, including 10 farms. The SITPM employs 58 people and manufactures fabrics. This factory was created in 1853 under the name of Usine de Tissage de Sainte-Marie d'Hautefort. The site covers 15,000m² and has more than 130 automated looms. The town is part of the geographical area of production and transformation of Bois de Chartreuse, the first AOC of the wood sector in France.
Notable people
Paul Picard - deputy for Isère, born and died in the town.
Amédée de Foras - politician and diplomat, married and lived in the town at the Château de Hautefort.
Family of Mourand de Jouffrey - descendants of Jean-Antione Morand de Jouffrey, who worked in Lyon and created the 6th arrondissement. A bridge, as well as a car park, still bear his name. His son, Antoine Morand de Jouffrey, was appointed the attorney general of the king at the Lyon finance office in 1785.