Saju Kodiyan

Saju Kodiyan is an Indian mimicry artist, comedian and actor who works in the Malayalam Film Industry. He started his career as a mimicry artist.

TV shows

;As guest
Saju Kodiyan is famous for his Aminathatha role in Harisree’s mimicry shows. Saju got the Aminathatha role by chance and his sound blended perfectly with the character. Saju imitated the then Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and it was a super hit. He also imitated Usha Uthup and Saju still remembers the experience with Usha Didi. During one of their stage shows in Germany, Saju dressed up like Usha Didi and she suddenly met him who dressed up like her. She told him that the makeup was not correct and she herself gave her bindi, ornaments to Saju and set him as a real Usha Uthup.
