Sakai–Kasahara scheme

The Sakai–Kasahara scheme, also known as the Sakai–Kasahara key encryption algorithm, is an identity-based encryption system proposed by Ryuichi Sakai and Masao Kasahara in 2003. Alongside the Boneh–Franklin scheme, this is one of a small number of commercially implemented identity-based encryption schemes. It is an application of pairings over elliptic curves and finite fields. A security proof for the algorithm was produced in 2005 by Chen and Cheng. SAKKE is described in Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 6508.
As a specific method for identity-based encryption, the primary use case is to allow anyone to encrypt a message to a user when the sender only knows the public identity of the user. In this way, this scheme removes the requirement for users to share public certificates for the purpose of encryption.

Description of scheme

The Sakai–Kasahara scheme allows the encryption of a message to an receiver with a specific identity,. Only the entity with the private key,, associated to the identity,, will be capable of decrypting the message.
As part of the scheme, both the sender and receiver must trust a Private Key Generator, also known as a Key Management Server. The purpose of the PKG is to create the receiver's private key,, associated to the receiver's identity,. The PKG must securely deliver the identity-specific private key to the receiver, and PKG-specific public parameter,, to all parties. These distribution processes are not considered as part of the definition of this cryptographic scheme.


The scheme uses two multiplicative groups and. It is assumed:
Frequently, is a supersingular elliptic curve, such as . A generator of prime order is chosen in. The group is the image due to the pairing of the group generated by .
Two hash functions are also required, and. outputs a positive integer,, such that. outputs bits, where is the length of the message.

Key generation

The PKG has a master secret where, and a public key which is a point on. The PKG generates the private key,, for the user with identity as follows:


To encrypt a non-repeating message, the sender requires receiver's identity, and the public PGK value. The sender performs the following operation.
  1. Create:
  2. The sender generates using
  3. Generate the point in :
  4. ::::
  5. Create the masked message:
  6. ::::
  7. The encrypted output is:
Note that messages may not repeat, as a repeated message to the same identity results in a repeated ciphertext. There is an extension to the protocol should messages potentially repeat.


To decrypt a message encrypted to, the receiver requires the private key, from the PKG and the public value. The decryption procedure is as follows:
  1. Compute
  2. Receive the encrypted message:.
  3. Compute:
  4. ::::
  5. Extract the message:
  6. ::::
  7. To verify the message, compute, and only accept the message if:
  8. ::::

    Demonstration of algorithmic correctness

The following equations demonstrate the correctness of the algorithm:
By the bilinear property of the map:
As a result:


There are four standards relating to this protocol:
In common with other identity-based encryption schemes, Sakai-Kasahara requires that the Key Management Server stores a master secret from which all users' private keys can be generated. Steven Murdoch has criticised MIKEY-SAKKE for creating a security vulnerability through allowing the KMS to decrypt every users' communication. Murdoch also noted that the lack of forward secrecy in MIKEY-SAKKE increases the harm that could result from the master secret being compromised. GCHQ, the creator of MIKEY-SAKKE, disputed this analysis, pointing out that the some organisations may consider such monitoring capabilities to be desirable for investigative or regulatory reasons, and that the KMS should be protected by an air-gap.

Cryptographic libraries and implementations

The scheme is part of the MIRACL cryptographic library.