Sally McClean

Sally Ida McClean is a Northern Irish statistician, computer scientist, and operations researcher. She is a professor of mathematics in the school of computing at Ulster University, and a former president of the Irish Statistical Association. Topics in her research include workforce modeling, health administration, interactive architecture, and survey methodology.


McClean was born in Belfast. After studying at Queen's University Belfast, she earned a master's degree in mathematics from the University of Oxford and a second master's in mathematical statistics and operations research from Cardiff University. She completed a Ph.D. in 1976 at the Ulster University at Coleraine. Her dissertation, Stochastic models of manpower planning applied to several British and Irish firms, was supervised by Andrew Young.


McClean's books include:
McClean is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, and Fellow of the Operational Research Society. She was the second president of the Irish Statistical Association, serving as president from 1998 to 2000.