Samurai Warriors (TV series)

Samurai Warriors is a Japanese anime adaptation of Samurai Warriors 4-II. It takes place after the events of its previous animated TV special. Original characters appeared in this narrative to deviate from its base. Voice actors from the game reprise their roles for their respective characters.
The TV special creators also created the TV series. TYO Animations is producing, Yuka Yamada wrote the screenplay, and Aki Tsunaki did the animated character designs. Tezuka Productions is aiding the animation department. It began on January 11, 2015 on TV Tokyo. Until the show ended, Nico Nico Seiga users could post their illustrations up for end card consideration.
Character image song CDs were up for sale during its broadcast. Blu-Ray and DVD extras include a character postcard, a behind-the-scenes booklet, a Sanada Brothers radio CD recording, and a Sengoku Musou Shoot serial code for each volume. The first volume includes non-credit versions of the opening and ending. Volumes 3 and up include unaired Sengoku Musou High School segments. Purchase the first volume at Sengoku Musou Gaiden Seiyuu Ougi Gaiden 2015 Haru to receive autographs from Yukimura and Mitsunari's voice actors. Funimation has licensed the anime series for streaming and home video distribution in North America.


Number of wars occurred in order to make Japan a peaceful country but no warlords successfully achieved this objective, until Hideyoshi Toyotomi reigned. He created unity across Japan. But his death led to chaos. His son, Hideyori is supposed to succeed the throne but the Tokugawa clan believes that he can't. And so, the conflict between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clan arises, also between the two brothers in the Sanada clan, Yukimura who sided in the Toyotomi clan and Nobuyuki Sanada who joined Tokugawa. A fateful battle awaits the two.


;Yukimura Sanada
;Nobuyuki Sanada
;Mitsunari Ishida
;Kanetsugu Naoe
;Ōtani Yoshitsugu
;Tōdō Takatora
;Sakon Shima
;Katō Kiyomasa
;Masanori Fukushima
;Naomasa Ii
;Uesugi Kagekatsu
;Katakura Kojūrō
;Masamune Date
;Fūma Kotarō
;Hōjō Ujiyasu
;Lady Hayakawa
;Hideyoshi Toyotomi
;Hidetada Tokugawa
;Tadakatsu Honda
;Ieyasu Tokugawa
;Hideyori Toyotomi
;Shingen Takeda
;Keiji Maeda
;Motochika Chōsokabe



The opening theme song Ikusa is performed by Wagakki Band while the ending theme Nadeshikozakura is performed by Wagakki Band.

Episode list