San Ramón (canton)

San Ramón is the second canton in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 86,312.
The capital city of the canton is also called San Ramón.


An oddly-shaped canton, San Ramon stretches north through the eastern heights of the Cordillera de Tilarán, looking down on the Central Valley to its east. The canton forms the border with the province of Guanacaste to the west.


The canton of San Ramón is subdivided into 13 districts :
  1. San Ramón
  2. Santiago
  3. San Juan
  4. Piedades Norte
  5. Piedades Sur
  6. San Rafael
  7. San Isidro
  8. Los Ángeles
  9. Alfaro
  10. Volio
  11. Concepción
  12. Zapotal
  13. Peñas Blancas


The canton was established by a decree of August 21, 1856.