Sant Feliu de Codines

Sant Feliu de Codines iSant Feliu de Codines is a municipality in the Vallès Oriental region. It is located in the north western sector of the region, on the border with the Moianès region and the Vallès Occidental region, in the west.


The name of Sant Feliu already appears in 1059 when Mr. Geribert and his wife Guisla were named barons of Montbui by the Count of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer I the Elder. These were the first feudal lords, who occupied a barony that extended the length and breadth of an extensive region to which the current municipalities of Sant Feliu, Bigues i Riells, l'Ametlla del Vallès and Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana.
Over the centuries, Sant Feliu became the most important location of all those who made up this barony, both in number of inhabitants and in artisanal production. This caused the inhabitants of Sant Feliu to consider independence from the barony of Montbui.
After many litigations, and taking advantage of a favourable situation, was obtained from King Carlos IV, in 1793, the title of Villa to the parish of Sant Feliu de Codines, although this concession could not be effective until December 8, 1799.
The population grew around the parish church, where the Sagrera neighbourhood was formed. Currently, this area still retains narrow alleys and some buildings typical of past centuries. Slowly the town grew and other important neighbourhoods of the town center were formed, such as the Serrat de Vic and the Venderia or Revenderia.
Over time an intense rivalry was created between the two neighbourhoods, to the point that the Venderia, in 1796, built its own bell tower to put "clock of rooms and hours, ab sas bells".
Obviously, this competition disappeared and the two neighbourhoods were finally physically united. Since then, other neighbourhoods and residential areas were also formed until the current village of Sant Feliu de Codines was formed.
Since the end of the nineteenth century, these residential areas have been increasing thanks to the arrival of people who have preferred the natural surroundings of Sant Feliu to the noise of the cities.
The almost exclusive dry climate that Sant Feliu enjoys, its natural environment and the proximity to large cities are the main factors that promoted a new lifestyle, residential, in the late nineteenth century.


The flag of the municipality was approved on February 15, 2005 and has the following format: Landscape flag, of proportions two high by three long, light brown, with two equal bands juxtaposed, white the upper and yellow the lower, thick 7/40 set of rag height.

Illustrious people

Born in Sant Feliu de Codines Sebastià Farnés and Badó, Joan Petit and Aguilar, Josep Mumbrú and Vernet of Casa Mumbrú, Josep Umbert and Rosàs, Josep Umbert and Ventura, creator of the Roca Umbert Factory, Andreu Codina and Candelas, Josep Parés y Casals, Laia Berenguer and Puget, Agustí Serratacó and Costa, Pere Pladevall and Vallcorba, Nicolau Usart and Furriol, Manel Vila i Valls, Josep Cassart and Valldeoriola, Dionisio Escorsa and Cruells, Nuria Berengueras and Costa.
An illustrious character who visited the town was Antoni Gaudí. In Sant Feliu, he left his mark on the design of the Feliu Orfeón banner, which is exposed to the Can Xifreda Municipal Museum. Dr. Bartomeu Robert was another character who enjoyed the good climate of Sant Feliu, to the point that he commented that Sant Feliu was the best town in Vallès and recommended to many of his patients to spend long periods to cure their illnesses.
Among other illustrious visitors we must also highlight the passage of the philologist Pompeu Fabra. He spent the summer in Can Viladomat, from where he went into exile on 24 Gener, 1939. In 2016, these events were commemorated by placing a plaque in the house of Can Viladomat, on Agustí Santacruz Street, and with a lecture by the linguist Jordi Mir.
We must also highlight the passage of politicians Manuel Carrasco and Formiguera, Francesc Cambó and the ecclesiastical and thinker Jaume Balmes who wrote to the farmhouse of Prat de Dalt his well-known work El Criterio.

