Sapphire (color)

Sapphire is a saturated shade of blue, referring to the gem of the same name. Sapphire gems are most commonly found in a range of blue shades although they can be many different colors. Other names for variations of the color sapphire are blue sapphire or sapphire blue, shown below.


Displayed at right is the color sapphire.
The first recorded use of sapphire as a color name in English was in 1430.


Sapphire blue

At right is displayed the color sapphire blue.

Medium sapphire

Medium sapphire is the color called sapphire in Crayola Gem Tones, a specialty set of Crayola crayons introduced in 1994.

B'dazzled blue

B'dazzled blue is a color in Crayola Metallic FX, a specialty set of Crayola crayons introduced in 2001.

Blue sapphire

Displayed as right is the color blue sapphire.
The source of this color is the Pantone Textile Paper Extended color list color #18-4231 "Blue Sapphire".

Dark sapphire

Dark sapphire is a dark tone of sapphire.

In culture

Alcoholic beverages
Given names