Sargento mayor

Sargento mayor was a rank immediately below that of maestre de campo in the Spanish tercios of the 16th and 17th centuries. Initially second in rank to a coronel in a colunella, the sargento mayor became second in rank to the maestre de campo after the creation of the tercios in 1534. He took care of the tactical training, security and lodging of the troops of the tercio. He also transmitted the orders of the maestre de campo or the capitán general to subordinate officers.

XVI and XVII centuries

Initially second in command below Colonel in a coronelía, the Sargento Mayor later came to occupy the position immediately below the Maestre de Campo after the creation of the tercios in 1534 and until 1600. The rank was in charge of teaching tactics, security and lodging of tercio troops. Would also delegate orders from the Maestre de Campo or the Capitán General to lower level officers.

Nineteenth century

In Argentina, since the 1813 law in which ranks where divided into three groups, Oficiales generales, oficiales jefes y oficiales, the rank of Sargento Mayor was part Oficiales jefes, intermediately above Capitán and intermediately below Teniente Coronel, with the latter below Coronel, from where a promotion lead to the Oficiales Generales.


In Colombia, Sargento Mayor is the top rank within the sub-officers of Colombia Armed Forces as well as the National Police; the rank is intermediately above Sargento Primero. In the executive level of the Colombia National Police, it is es equivalente to the rank of Comisario. In Colombia's Military Forces there are three levels of Sargento Mayor.