Saru Lock

Saru Lock is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Naoki Serizawa. It was adapted into a television drama in 2009 and a live action film in 2010.


Yataro Sarumaru, nicknamed "Saru", is an average high school boy who daydreams about idols but otherwise has no luck with girls. While working with his father, a locksmith in Asakusa, Tokyo, he has gained exceptional skills to pick just about any lock. Using his exceptional skills, Yataro then finds himself solving various mysterious cases, while also trying his luck with the girls.


Television drama



Mayumi enlists the help of Yataro Sarumaru to open a bank safe deposit box. This results in Yataro fleeing from the police who are in hot pursuit.


By March 14, 2010 the film had made US$3,101,844 at the box office.