Satkhira Medical College

Satkhira Medical College is a government medical college in Bangladesh, established in 2011. It is located in the south-western city of Satkhira in Khulna Division.
It offers a five-year medical education course leading to an MBBS degree. A one-year internship after graduation is compulsory for all graduates. The degree is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.


Current batches

Currently there are 8 batches. They are SMC-01, SMC-02, SMC-03, SMC-04, SMC-05, SMC-06, SMC-07 and SMC-08. SMC-02 are now doing there internship after completing 5 years MBBS course. Other batches are in different years.
Every batch also has a name.
SMC-01 : Agrodeep.
SMC-02 : Adommo.
SMC-03 : Spondon.
SMC-04 : Anuronon.
SMC-05 : Avijatrik.
SMC-06 : Aniruddho.
SMC-07 : Dipyoman.
SMC-08 : Nirantar.
