Sayed Ikramuddin Masoomi

Sayed Ikramuddin Masoomi was born in 1953 in Ashkmash district of Takhar. He is an ethnic Tajik. After graduation from Teacher's Training Faculty in Kunduz he earned a BA inScience from Kabul University. Masoomi has worked as the Director of Enterprises for the Ministry of Finance, as Deputy Minister of Finance as later as Governor of Takhar and Badakhshan Provinces. After his time as Governor he became Minister of Labor and Social Affairs under President Karzai. In 2004 he was appointed as Minister of Work, Social Affairs, Martyred and Disabled. He was replaced in 2006 by Noor Mohammad Qarqeen. Sayed Ekramuddin Masomi then served for more than a year as Governor of Baghlan Province.