
Scan2Go is a Japanese-Korean anime series co-produced by d-rights Inc., NewBoy., SBS Productions Inc. and Stonebridge Capital Inc., under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto. The series is set in a futuristic universe of races involving the use of miniature automated toy cars. The TV animation lasts for 52 episodes and is targeted to boys from 4–12 years old. The series has been licensed by Cookie Jar Entertainment for North and South American audiences and dubbed by Ocean Productions and Blue Water Studios. In the United States, the series premiered September 1, 2012, on Cartoon Network. While the last 7 episodes have not been shown in the United States, all 52 episodes have been broadcast on YTV and Pop Max, and are also airing on K2 In Italy.


The animated series takes place in a futuristic universe. Many species throughout the galaxies are all excited for one thing: racing. This racing trend is what everyone knows it as, Scan2Go. This racing activity involves the use of miniature automated toy cars in which the cars race automatically, gunning for 1st place. The cars are powered by a cards which gives them the power to race and as well as turbo boosts. Scan2Go is a one-lap sprint race on huge tracks where speed and tactics are the key to winning. Racers will face many obstacles on the track, which can be dangerous or very tricky. Races can be done in teams or free-for-all, depending on the rules.
The story focuses on a young boy named Kazuya 'Kaz' Gordon and his team called "Team Jet", more formerly known as the "Junior Earth Team". Starting his Scan2Go career from Earth, during which humans aren't fond of the Scan2Go trend yet, he embarks on a journey to become the greatest Scan2Go racer ever. Kaz is only in it to become the best racer in the universe. But he also discovers new friends along his way to glory.
He discovers a strong opponent and his greatest enemy who destroyed the Scan2Go committee named Ryu Kaizel. His aim is to conquer the negative emotions of people and begin destruction of the Universe.



Scan2Go consists of a car and two types of cards, the power card and the turbo card. There are 20 Scan2Go cars which come in a variety of models, each associated with a character in the story.

Innovate Technology

The Innovate technology allows a player to program the car to activate power turbo sequences during the race.


All music and sound-score composed, performed and produced by John Mitchell and Tom Keenlyside at Anitunes Music Inc..

Main Characters



Other Characters