Science Fiction (Australian magazine)

Science Fiction magazine is a long running science fiction critical journal published in Australia by SF academic Van Ikin from the University of Sydney and later the University of Western Australia. Contributing editors have included writer Terry Dowling and book collector and reviewer Keith Curtis.
According to John Clute and Peter Nicholls, "Intended to be a reputable academic journal, as the editorial addresses suggest, SF - ARoSL has oscillated a little uneasily between the academic and the fannish, but has nevertheless published good critical features. Until the more regular and perhaps livelier Australian Science Fiction Review: Second Series appeared in 1986, this was the main repository for Australian sf criticism, publishing interesting material by its editors by Russell Blackford, George Turner and others."


The first issue appeared in 1977. 30 issues had appeared by 1990.
No 47 appeared in 2016. The most recent issues appeared in 2019. Currently the journal appears at long, less-than-annual intervals.


Contributors over the years have included the following:
Cover artwork for Science Fiction has been contributed predominantly by Dane Ikin and Nick Stathopoulos.