Scissett Middle School

Scissett Middle School is a 10-13 middle-deemed-secondary school situated in Scissett, near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England. The school's catchment includes the villages of Scissett, Clayton West, Birdsedge, Denby Dale, Skelmanthorpe, Flockton and Upper Cumberworth.
It is a larger than average sized middle school with approximately 580 pupils and is one of two feeder schools to nearby Shelley College - a high school and sixth form college.
Scissett Middle School is one of fewer than 150 remaining Middle Schools in England.

Ofsted results

In 2010 Scissett Middle School was said by Ofsted to be the best middle school in the area, with a report rating of Grade 1 "Outstanding". Since converting to Academy Status in 2016, Ofsted have judged the school to be "Good", which was in October 2019.