Scotstown Moor
Scotstown Moor is in the north of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Scotstown Moor Local Nature Reserve is located four miles to the north of Aberdeen City Centre, near the residential areas of Dubford and Bridge of Don, at grid reference NJ 935116. The reserve covers roughly 34 hectares and is owned by Aberdeen City Council, who established it as a nature reserve in 1994. It contains the only example of species rich lowland heath in Aberdeen City.
Site history
Scotstown Moor once formed part of extensive areas of heath and bog around Aberdeen. Other similar habitats such as Ferryhill Moss and Stocket Moor, lying closer to the city, have long since disappeared, being lost to housing. Scotstown Moor remained largely intact up to the 20th century, mainly as a result of its status as a Commonty. This system of land tenure protected the site from enclosure and reclamation by local landowners. Records from 1894 show that the site was not maintained without a struggle, being "coveted by neighboring lairds", and that several encroachments had been made onto the site.Although the site's status gave the public free access, Scotstown Moor was the property of the Bishopric of Aberdeen and was farmed by the proprietor of Perwinnes. Furthermore, the feuars of Old Aberdeen were granted rights of common grazing, sod cutting, and peat cutting, although little direct evidence of these activities remains today. A Children's Camp was built on the site and ran from the early 1900s until the start of the Second World War. The camp catered for undernourished children, convalescents, and those showing symptoms of tuberculosis.
Throughout the early part of this century Scotstown Moor suffered some habitat degradation, largely due to drainage operations. However, the Second World War brought major problems for the site. The need for increased agricultural output led to the reclamation of part of the site, which was then put under intensive cattle grazing. This probably resulted in extensive areas of heather being replaced by grassland. The overall effect has led to fragmentation of the site, particularly serious for the bogs which became more and more isolated, and therefore vulnerable to external influences.
In 1869, there was a much larger area of moorland and rural setting compared with today. Currently, Scotstown Moor is surrounded on three sides by housing. There is a new road and conifer plantations to the north.
In April 1943, Aberdeen was bombed heavily by the Luftwaffe, a number of bombs were dropped on Scotstown wood adjacent to the moor.
During the 1970s, the site faced further pressures. Ownership of the site had passed to the tenant of Perwinnes, who intended to either convert the site fully to agriculture or sell it for housing development. At this time the local authority felt that the site area should remain as a "green wedge" within new housing planned for the area. However, since the council's "Environmental Improvement Scheme" involved the clearance of scrub and the afforestation of the moor, this option was hardly less destructive than full scale development.
In 1972 the site was notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest by the Nature Conservancy Council largely on the strength of its wet heath and bog. This designation probably protected the site from various planned land-uses which would have proved highly damaging, including drainage, afforestation, housing, and conversion to a golf course. However, housing developments continued around Scotstown Moor, increasing pressure to the site.
In 1980, despite the opposition of the NCC, the University of Aberdeen and the Scottish Wildlife Trust, a new road was constructed across one of the wettest and most species rich areas of boy. This resulted not only in the loss of valuable habitat, but also created a new source of pollution close to the moor and almost certainly affected the site's drainage patterns. In 1983 planning permission was granted for housing on over 0.5 ha of land within the SSSI. The remaining part of the SSSI passed into the hands of the local authority, which also acquired land to the north in 1986. The Local Nature Reserve now consists of these two areas.
In January 2013 Aberdeen city council announced that Scotstown moor would be converted into a long term "travellers" site. This announcement was made without any public consultation with local residents of the Bridge of Don.
Changes in the vegetation over the last 130 years
A comparison of vegetation surveys of Scotstown Moor, performed in 1968 and 1998, shows that the number of plant species in the area has declined. Species have been lost from all habitat types, although those of the open water and open/waste ground have suffered the most. For example, marsh arrowgrass, early marsh orchid, common twayblade, corn spurrey and various species of dead nettle have all been lost from the site.The proportion of introduced species at the site has increased significantly from <1% in 1896 to >5% in 1998. This is partly due to planting of non-native conifers and broadleaves, but others, such as Matricaria discoides and Veronica persica and Reynoutria japonica appear to have colonized naturally.
Native tree species which have appeared since 1868 include Betula pendula, Quercus robus, Crataegus monogyna, Prunus avium and Prunus padus. These are all likely to be present in nearby woodland and have probably invaded as a result of natural succession. Willows such as Salix aurita and Salix cinerea are also found in the reserve, although two other species of willow have been lost since 1868.
Site management objectives
Aberdeen City Council manages each of its nature reserves in accordance with a set of site specific management objectives. Habitat management is obviously an important component of these plans, but informal recreation, environmental education, research and legal and other obligations may all be considered. The site management objectives for Scotstown Moor are summarized here:Site Management Objectives for Scotstown Moor
- Operational objective - habitat management
- To maintain and enhance the variety of habitats present within the reserve
- To maintain and enhance the mosaic of wet heathland and bog habitat.
- To maintain and enhance the grassland habitat.
- To maintain the plantation and newly planted wooded areas and to seek opportunities to enhance the nature conservation of these areas.
- To maintain and enhance the nature conservation value of the small area of acid bog.
- To maintain and enhance the acid grassland and marsh habitats.
- To enhance the conservation value of the pond.
- To safeguard notable species.
- Informal recreation
- To encourage access to the reserve for informal recreation.
- To provide interpretive material and opportunities for the public to learn more about the reserve.
- Improve the appearance of the carpark.
- Minimize the impact of visitor use on the reserve.
- Environmental education
- To encourage the use of the reserve for environmental education.
- Research
- To encourage research work on the reserve.
- Obligations
- To meet all legal and other complications.
Site description
The reserve is bordered to the east and the west by housing development. Also to the west lies Galshie How, an area of woodland, scrub, and amenity grassland. To the north of the reserve there is an area of unmanaged heathland, grassland, and gorse scrub. More housing is found to the south, as well as mature mixed woodland.
Summary of habitat types and species at Scotstown Moor
Scotstown Moor consists of four main habitat types including gorse scrub, plantation woodland, marshy grassland, and bog/nutrient rich flushes/standing water. The presence of the nutrient rich flushes makes the site unique in the area, providing the basis for a diverse plant community containing several species of interest.
- Gorse scrub
Gorse is a nitrogen-fixing legume which can invade heathlands and grasslands. It regrows after burning or cutting. Its young shoots may be grazed, but mature branches are too spiny. Gorse provides a nesting site for birds such as the yellowhammer and whitethroat. Broom is another invasive woody N-fixing legume. Bracken is one of the commonest and most widespread ferns in the world. It is often the dominant vegetation on heaths, moors, open woods and neglected pastures, especially on acid light soils. Burning encourages its spread since this destroys other plants but does not harm the deep rhizomes of bracken.
- Plantation woodland
Of the five tree species listen above, only one is native. The trees provide a feeding and nesting ground for many birds. The ground flora in this area of the reserve is sparase due to the dense tree canopy, but understory species include the nettle, bramble and broad buckler fern - plants which often characterise pine plantations on areas cleared of alder which is still found on site.
- Peat bog/nutrient rich flushes/ponds
The 'bog plants' are so called because they are restricted to waterlogged sites, surviving soil conditions and low fertility. P. vulgaris and D. rotundifolia are insectivorous, supplementing the poor supply of minerals in boggy areas by digesting insects. S. nigricans is a regionally important species in Aberdeenshire, since although a fairly common species on the west of Scotland, it is only found at Scotstown Moor in the east of Scotland.
Other species found in these areas include rushes, sedges, cotton-sedges, cross-leaved heath, marsh bedstraw, tufted hair grass and Sphagnum species.
- Grassland
The dominant grasses, particularly in the improved grassland, are Yorkshire fog and cocksfoot.
Yorkshire fog a very widespread and versatile grass able to exploit widely different soil conditions and management practices. It may, however, be limited by grazing or heavy trampling. It is most frequent on relatively fertile soils and is more abundant on moist rather than waterlogged soils, although it can survive in anaerobic conditions. Cocksfoot, another widespread grass, tolerates summer grazing but fares better where grazing is infrequent. It is usually considered to be susceptible to trampling but survives light burning.
Other grasses at Scotstown Moor include species of Poa, Lolium, Deschampsia and Agrostis. Heath bedstaw and soft rush are also common but species diversity is unexpectedly low in the grasslands.
Scotstown Moor Fauna
There is evidence of rabbits and moles at Scotstown Moor and foxes and roe deer have also been seen in the area. Rabbits graze especially in the grasslands, reducing the biomass of dominant grasses. Voles and shrews inhabit the grassland and are preyed on by owls, sparrowhawks and kestrels. Bird life also includes skylarks, which nest in the rough grassland, and various birds that nest in the scrub and woodland.Several species of moths, butterflies, and freshwater invertebrates are also found on the site and the two small ponds provide a habitat for frogs as well as ducks and other wildfowl.