Scourged Flesh

Scourged Flesh is a Christian metal band that originated in Perth, Western Australia.


The band started in 2006 with brothers Todd and Dave Kilgallon. Scourged Flesh added on Bassist Simon Bracegirdle as an official member. The band was later joined, after the recording of their first two albums, Released From Damnation and Bury the Lies, the band added Guitarist Daniel Holmes and Bassist Simon Hoggett. In 2008, Dave Kilgallon joined the fellow Australian band Mortification as their drummer.



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ScaleMinor = increment:1 start:2006
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bar:Daniel text:"Daniel Holmes"
bar:Simon1 text:"Simon Bracegirdle"
bar:Scott text:"Scott Lockyer"
bar:Simon2 text:"Simon Hoggett"
bar:Dave text:"Dave Kilgallon"
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bar:Dave from:start till:end color:Drums


Studio albums