Scratch (2015 film)
Scratch is a Canadian musical drama film from Quebec, released in 2015. The directorial debut of Sébastien Godron, the film centres on a family of Haitian Canadian immigrants in Montreal's Little Burgundy neighbourhood. The primary characters are Angelot/"Leslie", an aspiring hip hop musician, and his brother Frantz, a pimp who sets the film's events in motion when he is arrested and imprisoned.
The cast also includes Schelby Jean-Baptiste, Samian, Lovhard Dorvilliers, Dominique Laguë and Fayolle Jean.
At the 4th Canadian Screen Awards in 2016, Jenny Salgado won the award for Best Original Song, for "C’est aujourd’hui que je sors". At the 18th Quebec Cinema Awards, the film garnered nominations for Best Supporting Actress, Best Editing and Best Original Music.