Screen Test

Screen Test is a children's game show that aired on BBC1 from 18 November 1970 to 20 December 1984. It was first hosted by Michael Rodd from 1970 to 1979, then by Brian Trueman from 1979 to 1983 and finally by Mark Curry in 1984. It involved its contestants seeing clips from films, and then being asked questions about the films to test their memories of them.
The theme music was "Marching On Together" by Syd Dale.



Calling Young Film Makers


85 out of 232 episodes survived from the BBC archives, which are Episode 10 of Series 1, Episodes 1-5 of Series 4, The 1974 Christmas Special, Episode 1 of Series 10, all 11 episodes of Series 11 & 12, all 13 episodes of Series 13, Episodes 1, 3, 7-8 & 10-11 of Series 14, Episodes 4 & 11 of Series 15, Episodes 3 & 9-11 of Series 16, Episodes 1–4, 6 & 9-11 of Series 17, Episodes 1, 6 & 9-11 of Series 18, Episodes 1, 4-6 & 10-13 of Series 19, Episodes 1, 4, 6-7 & 9-11 of Series 20, Episodes 1, 6, 9 & 11 of Series 21 and The 1984 Christmas Special.