Sealed with a Kiss (2015 TV series)

Sealed With A Kiss is a Singaporean romance drama produced and telecast on MediaCorp Channel 8. The drama began production in April 2015 and began its run from 27 August 2015. The show aired at 9pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8am the following day. The series stars Rebecca Lim, Elvin Ng, Zhang Zhenhuan and Carrie Wong as the main casts of the series.


Du Junning, is a successful real estate agent. She is well known for knowing how to sweet-talk not only her clients, as well as her superior and colleagues. However, those words are not what will truly comes from her heart. One day, she realized that her life has turned upside down after an accidental kiss with Zhu Jianan - where she could only speak the truth. She started offending people all around her by being blunt and straightforward, which result in the loss of job, relationship, kinship and even friendship. Her father avoided her, her best friend Zhenzhen fell out with her and she drove her boyfriend away.
Zhu Jianan, is a man who is a jinx to the people around him. He has a crush on Du Junning and enjoys watching romantic Korean dramas, and often visualized her and himself as the leads, having an extremely romantic story plot. When he had an accidental kiss with Du Junning, he became a lucky star - good things kept coming towards him such as winning the lucky draw and became a famous designer overnight. However, his luck has attracted all his relatives whom disagreed to take Jianan in when he was much younger, trying to gain some benefits from him.
Zheng Danle, nicknamed Cool Man, is Jianan's only best friend and the only one not affected by his bad luck. On the outside, he doesn't seemed to be bothered about what's going on around him - but in the inside, he actually longed for a family love, which he envies the kinship between Jianan and Chen Xinshan. He's used to hiding his inner-self, which result in him not knowing how to express his love for Tian Zhenzhen.
Tian Zhenzhen, believes that love conquers everything. Her boyfriend often cheats on her - for that she fear that he might leave her, so she chose to turn a blind eye. She fell out with Junning for making Shiqian break up with her - not knowing that it's for her own good. A new affection between her and Danle is soon formed after knowing Shiqian's real intention.
After the breakup, Zhenzhen started feeling the same as Danle after he confess and they soon became a couple - knowing how well-protected she is when with Danle. On the other hand, knowing that the kiss between Junning and Jianan changed their lives upside down, she went to confront Jianan - where he willingly wants to kiss Junning back so that she can have her life back, regardless the fact that he will become a jinx to others again. Will they return to their original state if Junning and Jianan kiss?


Main cast

Other cast


Sealed With A Kiss is nominated for two awards in Star Awards 2016. The series, along with Good Luck, is one of two Mediacorp series not to be nominated for any technical awards.

[Star Awards 2016]

Fame Awards 2016