Season extension

In agriculture, season extension is any method that allows a crop to be grown and/or harvested beyond its normal outdoor growing season and harvesting time frame, or the extra time thus achieved.
For colder climates, the fully heated and artificially lit greenhouse is the ultimate season extension device, allowing some crops to be grown year-round, through sub-zero winters. This has traditionally been an energy-expensive approach, and often still is, although the energy budget for heating and cooling greenhouses can be greatly reduced through use of some newer technologies such as Ground Air Heat Transfer or climate battery approaches. Using GAHT, excess heat accumulated during the summer months is stored via underground pipes in the ground underneath the greenhouse and retrieved later for use as needed during the winter months. The ground underneath the greenhouse is surrounded by insulation to ensure the heat stays underneath the greenhouse.
There are many other ways to beat the cold, for earlier spring planting and growing into the fall and winter. They include:
Season extension techniques are most effective when combined with crop varieties selected for the extended growing conditions. Many approaches are used in large-scale agriculture, as well as in small-scale organic farming, and home gardening.
Using unheated, unlit methods, depending on the crop, up to several weeks of productivity can be added, where shortened period of sunlight and cold weather end the growing season.
Season extension can apply to other climates, where conditions other than cold and shortened period of sunlight end the growing year.

Growth, harvest, or both

In its more passive forms with minimal warming, season extension allows plants to remain metabolically idle but avoid dying. This allows growers to make a conceptual distinction between extending the growing season and extending the harvest season. It can be done in unheated greenhouses, in polytunnels, or even in a root cellar with a dirt floor. The reality of practices is a spectrum, and the same farm can do both, but these two conceptual poles can be distinguished. Extending the growing season is what a hothouse does, such as producing tropical fruit in winter by conquering the outdoor climate at high expense. In contrast, extending the harvest season alone can be viewed not as a way to escape the context of seasonality but, working within the context of seasonality, to achieve food preservation in a way that uses life itself for preservation instead of using technology applied to dead plant or animal tissue. From this viewpoint it can even be compared to ancient norms of meat preservation, which relied on the principle that a good way to avoid meat spoilage is to keep the animal alive until just before consumption. In other words, the best postharvest strategy sometimes can be to confine the postharvest period to hours or days instead of weeks or months. In the meat example, in preindustrial contexts livestock were brought to market on the hoof, and sailing ships on months-long voyages would keep turtles in forced semihibernation until each one was slaughtered, in turn, for the next meal. The principle of a well-boat for commercial fishing was the same, keeping the fish alive for market. Such boats are still sometimes used today.