Secret Life of Boys

Secret Life of Boys is a British children's television show broadcast on CBBC and ABC. In 2016, they won the BAFTA Interactive: Original award. Series 1 is made up of 25, 5-minute segments. It was later broadcast on CBBC as 5 25-minute episodes in late 2015. Series 2 has been released on CBBC from April to June 2017. In December 2017, 10 new 5 minute segments aired on CBBC, which were Christmas specials. The episodes have later been broadcast as a singular 55-minute TV Movie. The first 2 episodes of series 3 were Halloween Specials and aired in late 2018. The first 5 episodes aired during Christmas 2018, with the final 6 in early 2019. Series 4 began on 9 October 2019. The producers, Zodiak Kids, are filming the show in Northern Ireland.
