The Securities Commission Malaysia is a statutory body entrusted with the responsibility of regulating and systematically developing the capital markets in Malaysia.
The following is taken from the SC website and gives a brief description of the SC's activities: The SC established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993, is a self-funding statutory body with investigative and enforcement powers. It reports to the Minister of Finance and its accounts are tabled in Parliament annually. It has the power to investigate and enforce the areas within its jurisdiction. The SC is a self-funding organisation where its income is derived from the collection of levies and application fees.
Main functions
The SC's many regulatory functions include:
Supervising exchanges, clearing houses and central depositories;
Registering authority for prospectuses of corporations other than unlisted recreational clubs;
Regulating all matters relating to securities and futures contracts;
Regulating the take-over and mergers of companies
Regulating all matters relating to unit trust schemes;
Licensing and supervising all licensed people;
Encouraging self-regulation; and
Ensuring proper conduct of market institutions and licensed people.
Underpinning all these functions is the SC's ultimate responsibility of protecting the investor. Apart from discharging its regulatory functions, the SC is also obliged by statute to encourage and promote the development of the securities and futures markets in Malaysia.
In 2009, Central Bank of Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia jointly established Asian Institute of Finance to development human capital development in domestic and regional financial services industry. The Securities Commission and Central Bank Malaysia also established Finance Accreditation Agency an international and independent quality assurance and accreditation body for the financialservices industry in 2013. The Central Bank of Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission of Malaysia worked closely together to introduce Electronic Share Payment facility for share transactions by using e-payment in the stock market. In April 2010, Central Bank of Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia have also launched e-Dividend. These two initiatives were announced in the 2010 budget.