Seed oil

Seed oil is a vegetable oil that is obtained from the seed of some plant, rather than the fruit.
Most vegetable oils are seed oils. Some common examples are sunflower oil, canola oil, and sesame oil.
Some important vegetable oils are not seed oils, such as olive oil and peanut oil.
Almondalmond oil
Arganargan oil
Borageborage oil
Canolacanola oil
Castorcastor oil
CherryCherry pit oil
Coconutcoconut oil
Corncorn oil
Cottoncottonseed oil
Flaxlinseed oil
Grapegrape seed oil
Hemphemp oil
Jojobajojoba oil
Macadamiamacadamia oil
MangoMango butter
Mustardmustard oil
Neemneem oil
Oil palmpalm kernel oil
Rapeseedrapeseed oil
Safflowersafflower oil
Sesamesesame oil
Sheashea butter
Sunflowersunflower oil
Tonka beantonka bean oil
Tungtung oil

Methods of extraction

Cold pressed

Oil can be extracted using the methods of cold-pressing to crush the seeds at low temperatures to release the oils. Cold pressed oils have a neutral taste when compared to other methods. The disadvantage of the cold pressing process is the low productivity and inconsistency in quality.

Expeller pressed

Expeller pressed oils are mechanically squeezed to produce the oils. Although no heat is directly applied, the temperature increase caused by the friction is not controlled as much as it is with cold-pressed oils. Expeller pressed oil tends to generate oil in higher quantities. The higher temperatures can impart a toasted or nutty flavour to the oil. Expeller pressed oils have been able to achieve 70% oil yields.

Solvent expelled

The seeds are first ground to a paste before being washed with a solvent to release the fat in the seed. Next, the solvent is removed using heat in a sealed chamber and distilled, leaving virtually no detectable levels of the solvent used. Solvent extraction has been able to achieve 95% oil yields. The high productivity is the main advantage of this process, it also requires less maintenance than other methods of extraction.


Extracting the oils first by expeller or cold pressing methods, then solvent expelling the rest of the oils from the leftover matter. This is a method used by larger capacity oil mills. As the energy consumption of the mechanical press increases as more oil is released, it is more efficient to extract the rest of the oil by solvent extraction.